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The original "Shed" on AOL and then on deckernet helped to introduce thousands of people to the wonders of the World Wide Web in the web's infancy. It started in 1994 as a beta testing site when America Online was about to start offering its customers free web space. I was a Tech Live Assistant for AOL at the time, and we were all required to build a website to test the web design tools and features they were offering. 

From there it grew into a monster, with scores of topics and hundreds of pages. I moved it off of AOL after a couple of years, and it continued to grow and get more followers. At its peak in the late 90's and early 00's, the site was getting hundreds of thousands of "hits" a day. In 2009 when I bought my house, I took the website down.

The web has changed dramatically since 1994 and even since 2009. Sites with lists of links aimed at getting new users to explore the web are not really necessary anymore. Images are bigger and a lot higher quality, music is "real" music now, not just MIDI files, and web searching is a lot more sophisticated than it was in the Webcrawler days. Everything is better and more user-friendly.

This new "Shed" will attempt to resurrect whatever can be resurrected from the old site and make use of some of the amazing capabilities that are freely available now. 


The site will have a Minnesota section again which will mainly feature Minnesota photos. It will also have a blog section which will use two blogs, one political and one random fun and interesting stuff. There will be posts that feature music including Peter Paul and Mary songs of the day. There will also be pieces about Minnesota's attractions and history as well as other bits and pieces about Minnesota and other places. I hope to help people start thinking again. Critical thinking is at an all-time low right now.

Please take note, the "reconstruction" of the Shed is far from finished. The blogs are up, however, and photo galleries will soon follow. 

Please, come on in and gather what you can here!


The Woodshed
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